Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It all comes down to me

Tautological Dom is tautological.

My ability to exert control on my wife/sub is in direct proportion to my ability to exert control on myself.  As I let things slide with myself, things then seem to slide with her.  I need to set clear goals for myself and follow them so that I can then set goals for her and us.

So it comes down to me.  As I want to influence others I need to influence myself first.

That's not to say that I can't do both at the same time.  It is just that I know my effectiveness is directly related to my ability to self-control me.

With that, I'm setting a public goal of spanking my wife every day whether or not I know she deserves it because she probably does.

Just kidding.  I am setting a goal of losing 20 lbs by Christmas.  That is 20 lbs in 110 days (give or take a day).  That is just under one pound every 5 days.  The food journaling will become consistent and the exercise will resume.  I've already started my wife on this path and it is only fair that I lead her the rest of the way there.

So while this is generally a D/s blog, I'm going to ramble about weight loss from time to time as well as this is a place where I can do that.  I'll warn readers when it is a weight loss post from now on.

And as for the self-discipline in order to discipline train of thought, my wife has earned herself a bit of correction today.  Actually she earned it last night in failing to post her daily summary to me.  We'll have a little corrective discipline and discussion of why she is required to do so and we'll move forward.

She might even blog about it after the fact.